Autosar 系列教程:小柴带你学 AutoSar 总目录
# 小柴带你学 AutoSar 系列一、基础知识篇(6)车规级 MCU 入门 RH850
# 缘起
这里呢就要浅浅的说一下 TH850 了
6679 页🤯?
今天呢咱就把这 6000 页的文档大概梳理一下。
# RH850
RH850 系列芯片是由瑞萨电子(Renesas Electronics)推出的一系列高性能微控制器(MCU),广泛应用于汽车电子领域。
我用夸克网盘分享了「RH850U2A.pdf」,点击链接即可保存。打开「夸克 APP」在线查看,支持多种文档格式转换。
我用夸克网盘分享了「rh850g4mh.pdf」,点击链接即可保存。打开「夸克 APP」在线查看,支持多种文档格式转换。
# 那我们开始喽
# 文档目录结构
- 模块名称
- Features③
- 描述关于具体芯片的特性
- Overview①
- 功能的总览介绍
- Registers④
- 特别详细的寄存器介绍
- Operation②
- 具体的操作流程
- Features③
# Section 1 Overview
RH850 的特性【这一块的话还是建议大家过一遍的,是整个芯片的功能总览。要实在看不下去就跳过吧哈哈哈】
CPU0/1/2/3 core
- RH850G4MH2
CPU0/1/2/3 instruction cache memory (for Code Flash)
- 16 KB
CPU0/1/2/3 data buffer (for Code Flash)
- 4 lines (256 bit/line)
Minimum CPU0/1/2/3 instruction execution time
- 2.5ns (during internal 400 MHz operation)
General CPU0/1/2/3 registers
- Thirty-two 32-bit registers
CPU0/1/2/3 instruction sets
Signed multiplication (32 bits × 32 bits → 64 bits): 1 to 2 CPU clocks
Saturated operation instructions (with overflow/underflow detection function)
32-bit arithmetic/logical shift instructions: 1 CPU clock
Bit manipulation instructions
Load/store instructions with long/short formats
Signed load instructions
Inter-Processor Interrupt (IPIR)
Support of inter-Processor interrupt function of 4 channels
Support level detection of interrupts
Accessible from all clusters and all PEs
identification of interrupt request source PE is possible.
Unintended inter-PE interrupts can be prevented by masking interrupt requests.
SET1, CLR1, and NOT1 can be executed as atomic operation instructions to IPIR.
Barrier-Synchronization (BARR)
The 16-ch barrier synchronization registers are provided. Barrier synchronization can be implemented using the same code for all the cores. Accessible from all clusters and all PEs within the systemTime Protection Timer (TPTM) Interval timer × 2ch (down counter), free-run timer × 1ch (up counter), up timer × 2ch (up counter)Start, Stop and Restart of counter for the interval timers, the free-run timer and the up timers.
Divided counter of the timers can be configured for the interval timers, the free-run timer, up timer respectively.
Simultaneous count control for the interval timers belonging to the same PE.
Simultaneous count control for the up timers belonging to the same PE using registers prepared for each PE.
Globally simultaneous count control registers are prepared. A PE can control all up counters including ones owned by other PEs.
Underflow interrupt for the interval timers.
Comparison value matching interrupts for the up timers.
Each timer set has 3 control signals to stop timers while in debug mode. One is for interval timers and the free-run timer, another is for up timer 0, the other is for up timer 1.
Memory space
- 4-GB address space (common to program and data)
Code flash
Two types of memory area– User area:
16 MB (common to each CPU, ICUMHA) [For U2A-EVA and U2A16 Only]
User area: 8 MB (common to each CPU, ICUMHA) [For U2A8 Only]
User area: 6 MB (common to each CPU, ICUMHA) [For U2A6 Only]
User boot area: 64 KB high-speed reading through cache enabled.
OTA (Over-the-Air) update support
Data flash
512 KB + 64 KB (dedicated to ICUMHA) [For U2A-EVA and U2A16 Only]
256 KB + 64 KB (dedicated to ICUMHA) [For U2A8 Only]
192 KB + 64 KB (dedicated to ICUMHA) [For U2A6 Only]
Local RAM: 64 KB (CPU0/1/2/3 [For U2A-EVA and U2A16 Only])
Local RAM: 64 KB (CPU0/1 [For U2A8 and U2A6 Only])
Cluster RAM: 3328 KB (common to each CPU) (256 KB: Retention RAM) [For U2A-EVA and U2A16 Only]
Cluster RAM: 1664 KB (common to each CPU) (128 KB: Retention RAM) [For U2A8 Only]
Cluster RAM: 640 KB (common to each CPU) (128 KB: Retention RAM) [For U2A6 Only]
Cluster Emulation RAM: 2 MB (1 MB for each cluster 0 & 1) [For U2A-EVA Only]
Cluster Emulation RAM: 32 KB (cluster 0) [For U2A6 Only]
Global Emulation RAM: 2 MB [For U2A-EVA Only]
Serial Flash Memory I/F (SFMA)
1 unit incorporated [For U2A-EVA, U2A16, U2A8, U2A6 (BGA-292) and U2A6 (QFP-176) Only]One serial Flash Memory device can be connected.
A data bus width of 1 bit, 2 bits, or 4 bits can be selected.
4 GB address space
Efficient data reception due to built-in read cache (64-bit line × 16 entries)
Arbitrary bit rate settable by the on-chip baud rate generator
Multimedia Card Interface (eMMC)
1 unit incorporated [For U2A-EVA, U2A16, U2A8, U2A6 (BGA-292) and U2A6 (QFP-176) Only]
Compliant with JEDEC STANDARD JESD84-A441 (neither DDR mode nor 1.8-V operation is supported).
Supports 1-/4-/8-bit MMC bus widths.
Supports the backward-compatible mode.
High-speed mode is supported.
MMC Clock frequency = MMCA module clock frequency/2k (k = 1 to 10).
Supports block transfer.
Supports boot operation.
Supports high priority interrupts (HPI).
Supports background operation.
Interrupt requests: normal operation and error/timeout.
DMA transfer requests: buffer write and buffer read.
1 non-maskable interrupt (NMI pin)
1 FE level interrupt
768 maskable interrupts (high-speed: 32, low-speed: 736)
Simultaneous distribution of interrupt sources to multiple cores (each CPU)
Applicable sources: non-maskable interrupt (NMI pin), FE level interrupt, 32 high-speed maskable interrupts
External interrupt input function (IRQ pins)
Software interrupt function (SINT)
Inter-processor interrupt function (IPIR)
64-level priority specifiable for maskable interrupts
For RH850G4MH2 exceptions, see Section 3.2.4, Exceptions and Interrupts.
sDMA controller
32 channels incorporated (16 channels × 2 units)
Transfer data length: 1 byte, 2 bytes, 4 bytes, 8 bytes, 16 bytes, 32 bytes, 64 bytes
Parallel reads and writes (fly-by)
Address mode: dual address mode
Transfer requests: auto request, peripheral hardware request.
Bus modes: normal speed mode, slow speed mode
Arbitration modes: fixed priority mode, round-robin modeInterrupt requests: termination of descriptor step, the termination of data transfer, the occurrence of address error.
Descriptor memory: 8 KB (shared at all channels).
Scatter-gather transfer
Transfer target: On-chip memory, on-chip peripheral modules (excluding DTS and sDMAC)
DTS controller
128 channels incorporated
Transfer unit: 8 bits/16 bits/32 bits/64 bits/128 bits64-bit × 2-burst transfer
Dual-address transfer mode
Address reloading function
Chain transfer function
Three transfer modes: Single transfer, block transfer 1 (specified by number of transfer times), and block transfer 2 (specified by address count)
Transfer target: On-chip memory, on-chip peripheral modules (excluding the DTS and sDMAC)
Transfer requests can be set by interrupt sources and the software.
Output driving ability of specific input/output pins is selectable
Inversion or non-inversion of output values of specific input/output pins is selectable
Pull-up or pull-down off of specific input/output pins is selectable
Safety functions
Flash memory ECC error detection function
RAM ECC error detection function
Peripheral module RAM ECC error detection function (e.g. FlexRay, CAN, GTM)
Clock monitor
Error Control Module (ECM)
Duplexing of modules (e.g. CPUs, ECM, error output pins)
Automatic Power-on BIST execution after reset
Standby Resume BIST (SR-BIST) execution selection after wake-up from DeepSTOP mode.
Error Control Module (ECM)
Collects information for each error check system and safety function and indicates error status.
When an error is detected, an error signal can be output from the error pin to the external.
Interrupts and internal reset signals can be generated upon detection of an error.
Provided with a function to generate a pseudo-error for debugging and self-diagnosis.
Data CRC Function (KCRC)
- The data CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) function can verify or generate data streams protected by a CRC with various lengths and different bit widths.
Window Watchdog Timer (WDTB)
5 units incorporated [For U2A-EVA and U2A16 Only]
3 units incorporated [For U2A8 and U2A6 Only]
Can generate a signal to the ECM when a counter overflows (timer expires).
Can generate an interrupt at 75% of the counter overflow value.
An interrupt request can be generated at any function of the counter value.
A window open period can be set to any function of the counter value.
Long-Term System Counter (LTSC)
1 unit incorporated
64-bit counter without overflow.
Free-run up counting
Atomic read/write access to all registers
Anytime read access to counter registers
Application reset (SW reset) can be masked. When masked, counter keeps running on reset occurrence and counter register will not be initialized.
OS Timer (OSTM)
10 units incorporated [For U2A-EVA and U2A16 Only]
8 units incorporated [For U2A8 and U2A6 Only]
A 32-bit timer assuming use by OS
Interval timer mode or free-running timer mode selectable
Synchronous start between units available
Timer Array Unit D (TAUD)
3 units incorporated
The TAUD has the following functions:
16 channels, 16-bit counter and 16-bit data register per channel
Independent channel operation
Synchronous channel operation (master and slave operation)
Generation of different types of output signal
Real-time output
Counter can be triggered by external signal
Interrupt generation
The TAUD can operate independently or synchronously (combine with other channels)
Timer Array Unit J (TAUJ)
4 units incorporated
The TAUJ has the following functions:
Independent channel operation function (operated using a single channel)
Synchronous channel operation function (operated using a master channel and multiple slave channels)
The TAUJ can operate independently or synchronously (combine with other channels)
Motor Control Timer (TSG3)
2 units incorporated [For U2A-EVA, U2A16, U2A8, U2A6 (BGA-292) and U2A6 (QFP-176) Only]
1 unit incorporated [For U2A6 (BGA-156) and U2A6 (QFP-144) Only]
18-bit timer counter
Count clock resolution: Minimum 12.5 ns (count clock = 80 MHz)
Operating mode corresponding to various motor control methods
Compare registers with reload buffer
10-bit dead time counter
A/D conversion trigger signal generation
Forced output stop function by TAPA
Reload (simultaneous rewrite) or anytime rewrite
HT-PWM mode with 0-100% duty cycles output
Semi-automatic cruise function
Three-phase encoder function (hall sensor signals can be input).
Fail-safe function (warning interrupt or error interrupt can be generated)
Simultaneous active output detect function for positive and inverse phase.
Abnormal input detection function of the three-phase encoder
Timer Option (TAPA)
4 units incorporated [For U2A-EVA, U2A16, U2A8 and U2A6 (BGA-292) Only]
3 units incorporated [For U2A6 (QFP-176) Only]
2 units incorporated [For U2A6 (BGA-156) and U2A6 (QFP-144) Only]
Combine with the peripheral interconnect (PIC) to provide the following functions:
Asynchronous Hi-Z control function
Interrupt signal output function
A/D conversion start trigger selection function
Timer Pattern Buffer (TPBA)
2 units incorporated
Count clock resolution: Minimum 12.5 ns (count clock = 80 MHz)
16-bit counte
16-bit duty register
16-bit period setting register
7-bit address counter register
7-bit pattern number setting register
Interrupt request signals
Period-matched detection interrupt
Duty-cycle-matched detection interrupt
Number-of-patterns matched detection interrupt
Number of duty patterns– 64 patterns (16 bits) or 128 patterns (8 bits)
Automatic duty generation according to the number of patterns
Output control by software
The count clock can be selected from PCLK, PCLK/2, PCLK/4, and PCLK/8 according to the prescaler set value.
Synchronous start with another timer
PWM Output/Diagnostic (PWM-Diag)
1 PWBA block for generating clock signals.
Generates a count clock signal for PWGC
96 PWGC blocks generate PWM signals. [For U2A-EVA, U2A16, U2A8 and U2A6 (BGA-292) Only]
76 PWGC blocks generate PWM signals. [For U2A6 (QFP-176) Only]
50 PWGC blocks generate PWM signals. [For U2A6 (BGA-156) Only]
64 PWGC blocks generate PWM signals. [For U2A6 (QFP-144) Only]
Outputs PWM waveforms and A/D conversion trigger to PWSD
1 PWSD block for generating triggers for A/D conversion.
Transmits the required setting information to the A/D converter and outputs the A/D conversion start trigger
Real-Time Clock (RTCA)
1 unit incorporated
Count clock selection from 240 kHz to 2.5 MHz
Counters for years, months, day of the month, day of the week, hours, minutes, seconds, and a subcounter.
One Hz pulse output function
Fixed interval interrupt function
Alarm interrupt function
Peripheral Interconnect function (PIC1)
1 unit incorporated
Simultaneous start trigger function
INT signal output selection function
PWM/Delay pulse output function with dead time
Trigger pulse width measurement function
Encoder capture trigger select function
Two-phase encoder control function
Three-phase pulse input control function
Three-phase encoder control function
TAUD input select function
Hi-Z control function
Timer output monitor function (PWM-Diag)
Timer input monitor function
TSG3 Synchronous Clear Function
Peripheral Interconnect function (PIC2)
3 units incorporated
ADCJ trigger select function
Signal routing function for GTM:
Baud Rate Measurement for an UART (RLIN3)
Hi-Z Control Function Over External Pin for GTM Output
GTM Output Monitor for PWM Diagnostic
ENCA Trigger Selection Function
PSI5S Timestamp and the Sync Pulse Signal Selection Function
GTM Timer Input (TIM) Selection Function
ENCA Encoder Input Selection
Serial Communication Interface 3 (SCI3)
3 units incorporated [For U2A-EVA, U2A16 and U2A8 Only]
Clock synchronization or start-stop system selectable
Full-duplex communication enabled
Arbitrary bit rate selectable by the on-chip baud rate generator
LSB first or MSB first selectable
Multi-channel Serial Peripheral Interface (MSPI)
10 units incorporated [For U2A-EVA (BGA-516) and U2A16 (BGA-516) Only]
9 units incorporated [For U2A16 (BGA-373) and U2A8 (BGA-373) Only]
6 units incorporated [For U2A16 (BGA-292), U2A8 (BGA-292), U2A6 (BGA-292), U2A6 (QFP-176) and U2A6 (BGA-156) Only]
4 units incorporated [For U2A6 (QFP-144) Only]
Chip select: Up to 8 for each unit
Three-wire serial synchronous data transfer
Master mode or slave mode selectable
Settable up to eight channels with phase of clock and data settable
Transmission rate up to 40 Mbps
Arbitrary bit rate settable by the on-chip baud rate generator
CANFD interface (RS-CANFD)
16 channels incorporated [For U2A-EVA, U2A16 and U2A8 Only]
12 channels incorporated [For U2A6 (BGA-292) Only]
11 channels incorporated [For U2A6 (QFP-176) Only]
8 channels incorporated [For U2A6 (BGA-156) Only]
7 channels incorporated [For U2A6 (QFP-144) Only]
Classical CAN mode (RS-CAN software compatibility mode)
Conforming to CAN-FD ISO 11898-1 (2015)
Transfer speed up to 1 Mbps
A total of 16588 message buffers (Individual 1024 buffers + Shared 15564 buffers when 8 byte data payload) provided for 16 channels [For U2A-EVA, U2A16 and U2A8 Only]
A total of 3301 message buffers (Individual 384 buffers + Shared 2917 buffers when 8 byte data payload) provided for 12 channels [For U2A6 (BGA-292) Only]
A total of 3026 message buffers (Individual 352 buffers + Shared 2674 buffers when 8 byte data payload) provided for 11 channels [For U2A6 (QFP-176) Only]
A total of 2200 message buffers (Individual 256 buffers + Shared 1944 buffers when 8 byte data payload) provided for 8 channels [For U2A6 (BGA-156) Only]
A total of 1926 message buffers (Individual 224 buffers + Shared 1702 buffers when 8 byte data payload) provided for 7 channels [For U2A6 (QFP-144) Only]
Reception filtering
CAN FD mode
Conforming to CAN-FD ISO 11898-1 (2015)
Transfer speed up to 8 Mbps
A total of 5120 message buffers (Individual 1024 buffers + Shared 4096 buffers when 64 byte data payload) provided for 16 channels [For U2A-EVA, U2A16 and U2A8 Only]
A total of 1152 message buffers (Individual 384 buffers + Shared 768 buffers when 64 byte data payload) provided for 12 channels [For U2A6 (BGA-292) Only]
A total of 1056 message buffers (Individual 352 buffers + Shared 704 buffers when 64 byte data payload) provided for 11 channels [For U2A6 (QFP-176) Only]
A total of 768 message buffers (Individual 256 buffers + Shared 512 buffers when 64 byte data payload) provided for 8 channels [For U2A6 (BGA-156) Only]
A total of 672 message buffers (Individual 224 buffers + Shared 448 buffers when 64 byte data payload) provided for 7 channels [For U2A6 (QFP-144) Only]
Reception filtering
2 units incorporated [For U2A-EVA, U2A16 and U2A8 Only]
1 unit incorporated [For U2A6 only]
Conforming to Protocol Specification v2.1
Buffer size: A 8-KB space is divided into up to 128 sections (for transmission, reception, and receive FIFO)
Message filtering: slot counter filter, channel filter, cycle counter filter
Bit rate: 10 Mbps
LIN/UART interface (RLIN3)
24 units incorporated [For U2A-EVA (BGA-516), U2A16 (BGA-516), U2A16 (BGA-373) and U2A8 (BGA-373) Only]
12 units incorporated [For U2A16 (BGA-292), U2A8 (BGA-292), U2A6 (BGA-292) and U2A6 (QFP176) Only]
8 units incorporated [For U2A6 (BGA-156) Only]
10 units incorporated [For U2A6 (QFP-144) Only]
Conforming to LIN Protocol Spec versions 1.3, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, and SAE J2602
Three operating modes
LIN Master mode
LIN Slave mode
UART mode (half-duplex, full-duplex)
Arbitrary bit rate is selectable by the on-chip baud rate generator
LIN Self-test mode with internal data loop back
Clock Extension Peripheral Interface (CXPI)
4 units incorporated [For U2A-EVA, U2A16 and U2A8 Only]
Baud rate: 9.6 kbps/10.4 kbps/19.2 kbps/20.0 kbps
Master or Slave Mode
Event trigger method / Polling method
Output and sample the PWM waveform by PWM encoding/decoding function
I2C Bus Interface (RIIC)
2 units incorporated [For U2A-EVA, U2A16, U2A8, U2A6 (BGA-292), U2A6 (QFP-176) and U2A6 (BGA-156) Only]
1 unit incorporated [For U2A6 (QFP-144) Only]
I2C bus format with master mode or slave mode selectable
Transfer rate up to 400 kbps
Single Edge Nibble Transmission (RSENT)
8 units incorporated [For U2A-EVA, U2A16, U2A8, U2A6 (BGA-292), U2A6 (QFP-176) and U2A6 (BGA-156) Only]
6 units incorporated [For U2A6 (QFP-144) Only]
Conforming to the SENT (Single Edge Nibble Transmission) protocol specified in the SAE J2716_201604 standard and the SPC (Short PWM Code) extension to the SENT specification
Unidirectional or bidirectional transfer is possible through a single pin
Bidirectional transfer is possible through two pins
Data transfer protected by a CRC is possible
Peripheral Sensor Interface 5 (PSI5)
4 channels incorporated [For U2A-EVA, U2A16, U2A8, U2A6 (BGA-292), U2A6 (QFP-176) and U2A6 (BGA-156) Only]
3 channels incorporated [For U2A6 (QFP-144) Only]
Conformance with PSI5 protocol specification V2.0
Bit rates: Low speed(125 kbps), High speed(189 kbps), PAS compatibility mode(250 kbps)
Communication Mode selectable
Peripheral Sensor Interface 5 serial communication module (PSI5S)
2 units incorporated [For U2A-EVA, U2A16, U2A8 and U2A6 (BGA-292) Only]
1 unit incorporated [For U2A6 (QFP-176), U2A6 (BGA-156) and U2A6 (QFP-144) Only]
Support the UART based communication for PSI5 transceiver
Conformance with PSI5 protocol specification V2.2
Generate a PSI5 message from the UART transfer data
The bit rate of the UART can be set by the built-in baud rate generator
1 unit incorporated [For U2A-EVA, U2A16 and U2A8 Only]
Asynchronous high speed LVDS interface based on IEEE 1596.3-1996 reduced range link
Asynchronous high speed LVDS interface supporting maximum data rates of 320 Mbps
Four channels, including one channel with data streaming capability
Bus master interface which is used by a target node to access shared memory
Ethernet Controller(ETNB)
1 channel of 100Mbps ethernet incorporated [For U2A-EVA, U2A16, U2A8, U2A6 (BGA-292), U2A6 (QFP-176) and U2A6 (QFP-144) Only]
1 channel of 1Gbps ethernet incorporated [For U2A-EVA, U2A16 and U2A8 Only]
Conformance with the IEEE 802.3 MAC layer standard
PHY interface: MII (Media Independent Interface) and RMII (Reduced Media Independent Interface) for 100Mbps; SGMII (Serial Gigabit Media Independent Interface) is for 1Gbps
Supports 1Gbps and 100 Mbps or 10 Mbps
Supports full-duplex mode
built-in DMA transfer function
Analog to Digital Converter(ADCJ)
94 channels incorporated [For U2A-EVA (BGA-516), U2A16 (BGA-516), U2A16 (BGA-373) and U2A8 (BGA-373) Only]
79 channels incorporated [For U2A16 (BGA-292), U2A8 (BGA-292) and U2A6 (BGA-292) Only]
64 channels incorporated [For U2A6 (QFP-176) Only]
29 channels incorporated [For U2A6 (BGA-156) Only]
39 channels incorporated [For U2A6 (QFP-144) Only]
A/D conversion method: Successive approximation
Configuration of analog input pins
ADCJ0/ADCJ1/ADCJ2 high accuracy inputs: 20/20/20 [For U2A-EVA (BGA-516) and U2A16 (BGA-516), U2A16 (BGA-373) and U2A8 (BGA-373) Only]
ADCJ0/ADCJ1/ADCJ2 high accuracy inputs: 20/20/5 [For U2A16 (BGA-292), U2A8 (BGA292) and U2A6 (BGA-292) Only]
ADCJ0/ADCJ1/ADCJ2 high accuracy inputs: 14/14/5 [For U2A6 (QFP-176) Only]
ADCJ0/ADCJ1/ADCJ2 high accuracy inputs: 8/8/0 [For U2A6 (BGA-156) Only]
ADCJ0/ADCJ1/ADCJ2 high accuracy inputs: 10/10/0 [For U2A6 (QFP-144) Only]
ADCJ0/ADCJ1/ADCJ2 low accuracy inputs: 10/14/10 [For U2A-EVA, U2A16, U2A8 and U2A6 (BGA-292) Only]
ADCJ0/ADCJ1/ADCJ2 low accuracy inputs: 10/14/7 [For U2A6 (QFP-176) Only]
ADCJ0/ADCJ1/ADCJ2 low accuracy inputs: 6/7/0 [For U2A6 (BGA-156) Only]
ADCJ0/ADCJ1/ADCJ2 low accuracy inputs: 3/10/6 [For U2A6 (QFP-144) Only]
Resolution: 12-bit
Conversion speed: 1.0 μs
Scan groups for five systems for each converter
Two scan modes (multicycle scan mode and continuous scan mode)
ADCJ0: Up to 64 virtual channels
ADCJ1: Up to 64 virtual channels
ADCJ2: Up to 64 virtual channels
Addition mode A/D conversion functions incorporated
Can enter data directly to the Generic Timer Module.
Safety functions
Supporting an upper / lower-limit-excess-notice-function for the ADC Voltage Monitor Secondary Error Generator in each virtual channel
Track & Hold (T&H) input channels
4 channel inputs per unit can select T&H circuit for synchronize conversion.
Power supply
Supports both of 5 V, 3.3 V and 1.09 V power supplies with the exception of the core supply.
The power on / off sequence has no constraints.
Power supply voltage monitor
The power supply voltage monitor is used for monitoring power domain E0VCC, VCC, ISOVDD and AWOVDD.
The power supply voltage monitor has High-side (HDET) and Low-side (LDET) voltage detectors, which detect if the monitored voltage is more or less than the specified voltage.
The power supply voltage monitor have two types detection function of Primary detection and Secondary detection.
The Primary detection function is performed by Voltage Monitor. The Secondary detection function is performed by the ADCJ.
The Delay Monitor (DMON) assists the VMON which detects the Low-side voltage of ISOVDD.
Primary power supply voltage monitor can control on or off for the VMON reset generated by high level/low level detection of ISOVDD, VCC and E0VCC.
The Primary detection voltage value is fixed, secondary detection voltage value can be set by the ADCJ.
Secure Watchdog Timer (SWDT)
1 unit incorporated
Can generate an error signal for the Interrupt Controller in response to an error.
Confirmation of matching with a specified Program Counter (PC) value of the CPU0.
Intelligent Cryptographic Unit Master (ICUMHA)
The ICUMHA is an on-chip Hardware Security Module (HSM).
The ICUMHA supports user-defined security services to the overall system based on cryptographic primitives.
Debugging and Calibration
Nexus JTAG: One channel incorporated
LPD (4-pin): One channel incorporated
AUDR: One channel incorporated [For U2A-EVA Only]
Aurora Trace Interface: One channel incorporated [For U2A-EVA Only]
Boundary scan
- Supports boundary scan conforming to the IEEE1149.1 standard
Clock controller
The user is able to select the crystal resonance frequency (16 MHz or 20 MHz or 24 MHz or 40 MHz).
Incorporates a crystal resonation circuit (Main OSC), which is used as a reference clock for the PLL.
Incorporates High Speed Internal Oscillator (HS IntOSC) and Low Speed Internal Oscillator (LS IntOSC), which are used as the start-up clock and backup clock.
Incorporates High Voltage Internal Oscillator (HV IntOSC), which is used as digital noise filter clock for VMON.
Incorporates a PLL circuit to generate high speed internal clocks by multiplying the Main OSC input.
Generates clock pulses used inside the chip from the internal oscillator, main oscillator and PLL.
Software configurable external clock output.
Operating modes
Operating modes
Normal Operating Mode
User Boot Mode
Serial Programming Mode
Boundary scan mode
Standby controller
This product supports various power-down modes.
The power consumption of the MCU can be reduced by selecting one of the modes:
RUN mode
- RUN mode is a normal operation mode where the CPU is operating and all of other modules can operate. The CPU can enter “HALT” state by executing the “HALT” instruction to stop its operation in this mode.
STOP mode
- STOP mode is a chip-level stand-by mode in which the clock supply to a certain clock domain can be stopped.
DeepSTOP mode
- DeepSTOP mode is a chip-level stand-by mode to reduce power consumption further than STOP mode. In addition to the clock supply stop, the power supply to the Isolated area is switched off.
Cyclic RUN mode
- Cyclic RUN mode is a low-power operation mode in which limited modules can operate at low speed.
Cyclic STOP mode
- Cyclic STOP mode is a STOP mode in cyclic operation, and one CPU halts its operation.
Module standby
Reset controller
7 reset functions
Power On Reset
System Reset 1
System Reset 2
Application Reset
DeepSTOP Reset
Module Reset
JTAG Reset
External Reset output pin: RESETOUT
Automatic RAM initialization after reset (include DTSRAM, sDMAC Descriptor RAM, GTM RAM, MMCA RAM and MSPI RAM).
Clock monitor
Up to 10 clock monitors depending on the device configuration.
Detects clock disturbances that results in lower or higher frequency than target frequency, and sends an error notification to the ECM.
Supports the self-diagnosis function.
Low-Power Sampler (LPS)
1 unit incorporated [For U2A-EVA, U2A16, U2A8, U2A6 (BGA-292), U2A6 (QFP-176) and U2A6 (QFP-144) Only]
Support checking the digital input ports and analog input ports to monitor the external input without consuming CPU resources.
Temperature sensor
1 sensor incorporated.
Out of range detection of temperature.
Operating modes
Single measurement mode
Continuous measurement mode
Interrupt generation
Temperature Measurement End Interrupt (INTOTSOTI)
Temperature Rise/Drop Interrupt (INTOTSOTULI)
Abnormal temperature error signal (OTABE)
Temperature Sensor Error (INTOTSOTE)
Support self-diagnosis function
Generic Timer Module (GTM)
1 unit incorporated
GTM v3.5 is a modular timer unit and consists of the following submodules.
Advanced Routing Unit (ARU)
Clock Management Unit (CMU)
Cluster Configuration Module (CCM)
Time Base Unit (TBU)
Timer Input Module (TIM)
Advanced Timer Output (ATOM)
Dead Time Module (DTM)
Multi Channel Sequencer (MCS)
Interrupt Concentrator Module (ICM)
Output Compare Unit (CMP)
Monitoring Unit (MON)
Encoder Timer (ENCA)
2 units incorporated [For U2A-EVA, U2A16, U2A8 and U2A6 (BGA-292) Only]
1 unit incorporated [For U2A6 (QFP-176) and U2A6 (QFP-144) Only]
Generation of the counter control signal from the encoder input signal, and count operation.
Capture function for capturing the counter value with an external trigger signal
Compare function for compare match judgment with the counter value
Two capture compare registers that can be set separately for capture operation and for compare operation
Interrupt mask function for masking the interrupt request signal output as a result of the compare match judgment during compare operation
Function for loading the value of the capture compare register to the counter upon underflow occurrence
The Encoder input signal can be applied to the timer counter clear condition
Edge or level can be selected for clearing the encoder input signal of the timer counter clear condition
Detection of counter overflow and underflow and output of error flags and error occurrence interrupts
Five interrupts: two capture compare interrupts, one counter clear interrupt, one overflow interrupt, and one underflow interrupt.
[For U2A-EVA (BGA-516) and U2A16 (BGA-516) Only]
516-pin plastic FBGA (0.8 mm ball pitch) (25mm × 25mm package size)
[For U2A16 (BGA-373) and U2A8 (BGA-373) Only]
373-pin plastic FBGA (0.8 mm ball pitch) (21mm × 21mm package size)
[For U2A16 (BGA-292), U2A8 (BGA-292) and U2A6 (BGA-292) Only]
292-pin plastic FBGA (0.8 mm ball pitch) (17mm × 17mm package size)
[For U2A6 (QFP-176) Only]
176-pin plastic HLQFP (0.5 mm pin pitch) (24mm × 24mm package size)
[For U2A6 (BGA-156) Only]
156-pin plastic FBGA (0.65 mm ball pitch) (10mm × 10mm package size)
[For U2A6 (QFP-144) Only]
144-pin plastic HLQFP (0.4 mm pin pitch) (16mm × 16mm package size)
# Section 2 Pin Functions
# 引脚功能设置
# ICUM 设置 port 有更高的优先级
# Noise Filter 噪声过滤
# Section 3 CPU System
# 中断等级:EI & FE
# 寄存器组
这块是一些芯片级别的寄存器,操作系统的实现需要用到这些。调试代码的时候也会经常用到,涉及到这块的代码都是通过汇编来写的。汇编的指令可以看官方文档:RH850G4MH 文章开头有下载链接哦!
# psw 说明
# EIIC 表示 EI 中断的原因
# 中断向量表
# 时间戳
描述:可以用来获取时间,做状态机使用(当然 RH850 也有专门的时间模块年月日那种,当然定时器也可以)
void TSCTRL_Init(void){ | |
__asm("mov r0, r23"); | |
__asm("add 0x1, r23"); | |
__asm("ldsr r23, 2, 11");/* set TSCTRL */ | |
} | |
asm uint32 Os_Hal_GetTSCOUNTL(void){ | |
stsr 0, r10, 11 | |
} | |
asm uint32 Os_Hal_GetTSCOUNTH(void){ | |
stsr 1, r10, 11 | |
} | |
/* CPU clock 400M , TSCOUNT add 1 on every clock cycle | |
Actual time = MCU_Timestamp_Get()/400 us */ | |
uint64 MCU_Timestamp_Get(void){ | |
uint32 TimeStamp_L = 0u; | |
uint32 TimeStamp_H = 0u; | |
TimeStamp_L = Os_Hal_GetTSCOUNTL(); | |
TimeStamp_H = Os_Hal_GetTSCOUNTH(); | |
return (((uint64)TimeStamp_H << 32) | TimeStamp_L); | |
} |
# 现场保存
Context Saving
# Section 4 Address Space
- 编译时的链接文件会用到
- 关于编译请看【小柴带你学 AutoSar 系列一、基础知识篇(4)编译】
- BootLoader 也会用到啦
- 可以自定义代码存放的地址,这样方便系统的管理。
- 那也就可以实现差分包升级
# Section 5 Operating Modes
# Section 6 Interrupts
描述:中断的介绍在这里啦 引脚的中断、异常的中断都在这里可以看到介绍哦!
# Section 7 sDMA Controller (sDMAC)
大家应该都懂,DMA 嘛,数据搬运。脱离了 CPU 所以不占用 CPU 资源,速度比较快。通过和 CPU 交互去搬运数据。
# Section 8 DTS Controller
The Data Transfer Service (DTS) is a DMA controller used to access data without going through the CPU
# Section 9 Reset Controller
# Reset Categories
# Section 10 Power Supply Circuit
描述:SVR controller is Synchronous Rectification Step-Down Controller and can directly drive the MOSFET.【同步整流降压控制器】
# Section 11 Power Supply Voltage Monitor
# Delay Monitor
DMON can detect abnormalities in delay time of transistor devices by using an on-chip delay monitor while the microcontroller is working.
# RAM Retention Voltage Indicator(VLVI)
The very-low-voltage detection circuit (VLVI) is used to detect the RAM retention voltage
# Section 12 Temperature Sensor (OTS)
# 温度传感器测量控制
# Section 13 Clock Controller
The configuration of Main OSC,PLL,and HV IntOSC is variable by Option Byte OPBT10,OPBT11,and OPBT4.
控制:通过设置 OPBT 来控制
# 时钟配置
# 时钟频率设置
# 时钟的具体配置
# Phase Locked Loop(PLL)
# Section 14 Clock Monitor (CLMA)
# Section 15 Standby Controller (STBC)
# 芯片待机模式控制
Types of Chip Standby Mode
RUN mode
STOP mode
DeepSTOP mode
Cyclic RUN mode
Cyclic STOP mode
# Wake-Up Control
# 唤醒因子
# I/O Buffer Control
I/O buffer 在保持状态时 退出深度睡眠模式需要重新配置 port 并设置 IOHOLDn 这个寄存器(具体请见文档)
# Types of Module Standby Mode
# Chip Standby Mode Transition
# Clock Oscillator Behavior During Chip Standby Mode Transition
# Section 16 Low-Power Sampler (LPS)
在不消耗 CPU 资源的情况下监控外部输入(模拟信号 / 数字信号)
# Digital Input Mode
# Analog Input Mode
# Section 17 Serial Flash Memory Interface A (SFMA)
The Serial Flash Memory Interface outputs control signals to the serial flash memory connected to the SPI multi I/O bus space, thus enabling direct connection of the serial flash memory.
This module allows the connected serial flash memory to be accessed by directly reading the SPI multi I/O bus space, or using SPI operating mode to transmit and receive data.
通过 SPI 实现串行 flash 内存的直接连接。为了直接连接后地址 mapping 到一块内存。这样在程序中就可以直接访问。
# Operating Modes
External Address Space Read Mode
- Normal Read Operation (地址是连续的)
- Burst Read Operation(读的地址不是连续的)
- Burst Read Operation with Automatic SPBSSL Negation
# Initial Setting Flow
# Read Cache
# Transfer Format
# Section 18 Multi Media Card Interface A (MMCA)
描述:多媒体卡支持 SD 卡
# Section 19 Multichannel Serial Peripheral Interface (MSPI)
# Interrupt Requests and Error Notifications
# DMA/DTS Trigger
# 引脚
# 支持的功能
- Three-wire serial synchronous data transfer
- Master mode and slave mode selectable
- Multiple slaves configuration thanks to up eight configurable chip select output signals
- Maximum transmission speed in master/slave mode
- In LVDS mode: up to 40 MHz(MSPI0-1)
- In Single end mode: up to 20MHz(MSPI0-5),up to 10MHz(MSPI6-9)
- Phase of clock and data selectable for each channel
- Dara transfer with MSB or LSB first selectable for each channel
- Transfer data length selectable from 2 to 128 incremented in 1-bit units for channel
- Three selectable transfer modes:
- Transmit-only mode
- Receive-only mode
- Transmit/receive mode
- Error detection
- Parity error
- Data consistency error
- Over-write error
- Over-read error
- Overrun error
- Support of JOB concept for AUTOSAR
- JOB enable control bit for AUTOSAR is provided
- LBM(Loop Back Mode)function for self-test
- Enforced chip select idle setting
- Support Safe-SPI ver1.00 only in master mode
- MSPI has four different interrupt requests
- Communication status
- Reception status
- Communication error
- Job completion
- MSPI has three DMA requests
- Communication status
- Reception status
- Job completion
- Receive sample point
- The sample point for the RX can be shifted to the next SCK edge
DMA 中断
DMA 例子
# Basic Operation
- Master/Slave Mode Operation
- Frame Length and Frame Count
- Chip Select Signal Function
- Clock Polarity and Data Phase
- SOUT Default Level and idle time Level
- Serial Data Direction Selection
- Channel Priority Control
- Error Detection
- Communication Stop or IP initialize
- Loop back mode
- Safe-SPI
# Memory Modes
MSPI 有一个可配置的 RAM 来用作缓冲 buffer
- Direct Memory Mode
- Fixed Buffer Memory Mode
- Fixed FIFO memory Mode
# MSPI 的一些问题和解决办法
# Section 20 Serial Communication Interface 3 (SCI3)
串行通信接口可应用于 UART 和 ACIA
# 初始化流程
# Multi-Processor Communication Function
Using the multi-processor communication function allows data transmission and reception by sharing a communication line between multiple processors by using asynchronous serial communication in which the multi-processor bit is added.
# Section 21 LIN/UART Interface (RLIN3)
The LIN/UART interface is provided with UART mode and can also be used as a UART.
# 各种模式
- LIN Reset Mode
- LIN Mode
- UART Mode
- LIN Self-Test Mode
# Baud Rate Generator
# Noise Filter
# Section 22 I2C Bus Interface (RIIC)
# Functional Overview
- Communications format
- I2C bus format
- Master mode or slave mode selectable
- Automatic securing of the various set-up times, hold times, and bus-free times according to the specified transfer rate.
- Transfer rate
- Up to 400 kbps
- SCL clock
- For master operation, the duty cycle of the SCL clock is selectable in the following range: 0% < Duty < 100%
- Issuing and detecting conditions
- Start, restart, and stop conditions are automatically generated. Start conditions (including restart conditions) and stop conditions are detectable.
- Slave address
- Up to three slave-address settings can be made.
- Seven- and ten-bit address formats are supported (along with the use of both at once).
- General call addresses and device ID addresses are detectable.
- Acknowledgement
- For transmission, the acknowledge bit is automatically loaded
- Transfer of the next data for transmission can be automatically suspended on detection of a not-acknowledge bit.
- For reception, the acknowledge bit is automatically transmitted
- If a wait between the eighth and ninth clock cycles has been selected, software control of the value in the acknowledge field in response to the received value is possible.
- Wait function
- In reception, the following periods of waiting can be obtained by holding the clock signal (SCL) at the low level:
- Waiting between the eighth and ninth clock cycles
- Waiting between the ninth clock cycle and the first clock cycle of the next transfer (WAIT function)
- SDA output delay function
- Timing of the output of transmitted data, including the acknowledge bit, can be delayed.
- Arbitration
- For multi-master operation
- Operation to synchronize the SCL (clock) signal in cases of conflict with the SCL signal from another master is possible.
- When issuing the start condition would create a conflict on the bus, loss of arbitration is detected by testing for non-matching between the internal signal for the SDA line and the level on the SDA line.
- In master operation, loss of arbitration is detected by testing for non-matching of internal and line levels for transmit data.
- Loss of arbitration due to detection of the start condition while the bus is busy can be detected (to prevent the issuing of double start conditions).
- Loss of arbitration in transfer of a not-acknowledge bit due to the internal signal for the SDA line and the level on the SDA line not matching can be detected.
- Loss of arbitration due to non-matching of internal and line levels for data can be detected in slave transmission.
- Timeout function P1723
- The internal time-out function is capable of detecting long-interval stop of the SCL (clock signal).
- Noise removal
- The interface incorporates digital noise filters for both the SCL and SDA signals, and the width for noise cancellation by the filters is adjustable by software.
- Interrupt sources
- Error in transfer or occurrence of events (detection of arbitration loss, NACK, time-out, a start condition including a restart condition, or a stop condition)
- Reception complete (including matching with a slave address)
- Transmit-data-empty (including matching with a slave address)
- Transmission complete
# Interrupt Sources
# Communication Data Format
# Initial Settings
# Section 23 CANFD Interface (RS-CANFD)
# Interrupt Requests and Error Notifications
# CANFD 配置
# CAN Mode
# Register behavior in global/channel Modes
# Initialization
Before joining CAN communications the following shall be configured:
Clock setting
Bit timing setting (nominal and data rate)
Baud Rate setting (nominal and data rate)
CANFD setting
Acceptance Filter setting (configuration of Global Acceptance Filter List)
Reception-, Transmission- and GW-FIFO setting
CAN Communication Mode setting
# Acceptance Filtering Function using Global Acceptance Filter List (AFL)
# FIFO Buffers & Normal MB Configuration
描述:Buffer 设置
# Reception and Transmission
In the RS-CANFD module, CAN messages received on any of the channels, will be stored in RX Message Buffers or in RX FIFO Buffers or Transmit/Receive FIFO Buffers configured in RX Mode or GW Mode depending upon the Acceptance Filter List entries:
# Bus traffic measurement
# Section 24 FlexRay (FLXA)
The FlexRay IP-module supports the following features:
描述:这里可以看到一些涉及到的模块,来了解 FlexRay 的工作机理
# Section 25 Ethernet AVB (ETNB)
# Section 26 Single Edge Nibble Transmission (RSENT)
# Section 27 Peripheral Sensor Interface 5 (PSI5)
# Section 28 Peripheral Sensor Interface 5 S (PSI5S)
# Section 29 Renesas High-Speed Serial I/F (RHSIF)
# Section 30 Clock Extension Peripheral Interface (CXPI)
# Section 31 Window Watchdog Timer (WDTB)
# Section 32 OS Timer (OSTM)
# Section 33 Timer Array Unit D (TAUD)
The Timer Array Unit D is used to perform various count or timer operations and to output a signal which depends on the result of the operation.
# Section 34 Timer Array Unit J (TAUJ)
The timer array unit J is used to perform various count or timer operations and to output a signal which depends on the result of the operation.
# Section 35 Motor Control Timer (TSG3)
# Section 36 Timer Option (TAPA)
# Section 37 Timer Pattern Buffer (TPBA)
TPBAn is a 16-bit PWM timer with the duty setting buffer.
# Section 38 Generic Timer Module (GTM)
# Section 39 Real-Time Clock (RTCA)
Real-Time Clock (RTCA) has following features:
- Count clock selection from 240 kHz to 2.5 MHz
- Counters for years, months, day of month, day of week, hours, minutes, seconds, and a sub counter. Calendar covers 99 years. Leap years are handled by hardware automatically.
- One Hz pulse output function
- Fixed interval interrupt function
- Alarm interrupt function
# Section 40 Encoder Timer A (ENCA)
# Section 41 Peripheral Interconnect (PIC)
# Section 42 PWM Output/Diagnostic (PWM-Diag)
This function is comprised of four types of units: clock divider (PWBA), PWM generator (PWGC), A/D conversion trigger select function (PWSD), and A/D converter (ADCJ).
# Section 43 Analog to Digital Converter (ADCJ)
# Section 44 Functional Safety
This section describes the intended safety mechanisms provided to detect the MCU failures with a short detection time. Here, the failures include both the recoverable transient failures such as soft errors of a memory and the unrecoverable permanent failures.
# Section 45 Error Control Module (ECM)
# Section 46 Data CRC Function K (KCRC)
# Section 47 Basic Hardware Protection (BHP)
To protect the code flash memory, data flash memory and Flash extra area, this product has several Flash protection functions.
The security function that is used by the ID authentication and setting of Flash Option Byte is described in this section. The ID code and the Flash Option Byte that is described in this section are mapped at Security Settings area and Block Protection Settings area.
Functional features
(1) Mode and connection entry protection
System requires some password base authentication to enter other than Normal operation mode.
Authentication ID and related option can be configured by Security settings area.
The 256 bit SPID password authentication is needed to enter Serial programming mode.
The 256 bit OCDID password authentication is needed when On-chip debug.
The RHSIF ID authentication is needed to connect to RHSIF Link Partner [For U2A-EVA/U2A16/U2A8 only].
(2) Flash Protection by ID authentication
The system requires 256 bit Customer ID authentication for re-programming to User area by each block.
The Customer ID authentication is needed to read the User/User boot area when debugger is connected.
The system requires 256 bit Data Flash ID authentication for re-programming to Data area.
The Data Flash ID authentication is needed to read the Data area when debugger is connected.
(3) Flash protection by OTP
User area on code flash supports OTP (One Time Programmable) functionality for each block.
Flash extra area protection by OTP
Dedicated configuration area supports OTP functionality for each 4 Byte unit.
(4) ID code
Table 47.1* shows the ID code that can be set in this product.
The system requires each ID authentication for programming and reading the ID.
Table 47.1 ID Code
ID Code Function OCD ID Protection for debug connection Serial Programmer ID Protection to enter the serial programming mode RHSIF ID Protection for RHSIF Link Partner [For U2A-EVA/U2A16/U2A8 only] Customer ID A, B, C Protection for Code Flash and Flash extra area Data Flash ID Protection for Data Flash C-TEST ID Refer to the RH850/U2A-EVA Group Security User’s Manual: Hardware. The setting and function that related each ID code can select the Flash Option Byte. The system
(5) Flash protection by the security function of ICUMHA
When security function settings by ICUMHA is enabled, programming/erase of the code flash area from masters other than the ICUMHA or Hardware property setting is prohibited. For details, see the RH850/U2A-EVA Group Security User’s Manual: Hardware.
# Section 48 Intelligent Cryptographic Unit/Master (ICUMHA)
The Intelligent Cryptographic Unit/Master (ICUMHA) is a hardware security module (HSM). ICUMHA can be activated by Option Byte setting
The Intelligent Cryptographic Unit/Master (ICUMHA) is a hardware security module (HSM)
The features of ICUMHA are described below.
- ICUMHA integrates an Intelligent Cryptographic Unit Processor (ICUP) that controls the ICUMHA sub-system and runs the user-defined security services.
- ICUMHA integrates an accelerator that supports a block cipher algorithm based on the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard, FIPS PUB 197).
- ICUMHA integrates several public key cryptographic algorithms like RSA, ECC.
- ICUMHA integrates an accelerator that supports HASH function based on SHA-1, SHA-224 and SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm, FIPS-PUB 180).
- ICUMHA integrates a true random number generator.
- ICUMHA can be used as a slave peripheral to run security services upon request. Also the ICUMHA handles processing of other user-defined security services (for example, checking contents of memory for completeness and integrity) and operates as a master handling procedure to strengthen measures for security.
- ICUMHA has an exclusive read access and programming access to a specific area of non-volatile (flash) memory which contains confidential data (keys and certificates) and highly confidential code for operating security services.
# Section 49 Secure Watchdog Timer (SWDT)
# Section 50 Debugging and Calibration
# Section 51 Flash Memory
Code Flash
- Capacity: Up to 16 Mbytes of User Area and 2x 64 Kbytes of User Boot Area.
- Multi banked configuration.
- Program unit: 512 bytes
- Erase unit: 16 Kbytes for 8 blocks and 64 Kbytes for remaining blocks in each User Area
- OTP (One Time Programmable) is supported for each block.
- Address map swapping between banks is supported
Data Flash
- Data Area:
- Capacity: Up to 512 Kbytes (Two Data Areas: 256 Kbytes + 256 Kbytes) and 64K bytes for ICUMHA exclusively
- Program unit: 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 bytes DMA can initiate 4-byte program in multiple time without software overhead. (within one Data Area)
- Erase unit: Nx 4 Kbytes (N = 1, 2, 3 …) (within one Data Area)
- Hardware Property Area:
- The settings of this product can be configured in Hardware Property Area in Data Flash Memory. Hardware Property Area consists of Configuration Setting Area, Extended Data Area, Security Setting Area, Block Protection Area, Switch Area, TAG Area and Erase Counter Area.
- Configuration Setting Area: To store the System Configuration Parameters. (Flash Option Byte, Reset Vector, Software Configuration Option Byte, etc.)
- Security Setting Area: To store the Security Parameters. (ID Codes, Security Setting flag, etc.)
- Block Protection Area: To store the Code Flash Protection Settings. (OTP flag, etc.)
- Switch Area and TAG Area: To update Configuration Setting Area, Security Setting Area and Block Protection Area in an atomic and robust way.
- Erase Counter Area: To store the Erase Counter.
- Extended Data Area To store any data to use by user software.Capacity: 2 Kbytes
Other Functions
- Multi FPSYS Operation support
- The Flash memories that are belonging to the different FPSYS can be programmed/erased simultaneously.
# 51.3.3 Mapping of Hardware Property Area in Data Flash Memory
# 51.8.4 Switching of Hardware Property Area
# 51.12 Configuration Setting Area (Option Bytes, Reset Vector)
# 51.16 Extended Data Area
# Section 52 RAM
# Section 53 Boundary Scan
# Section 54 Package
# Section 55 Electrical Characteristics
- 55.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
- 55.2 General & DC Characteristics
- 55.2.1 Operational Condition
- Supply Voltage Characteristics
- 55.2.1 Operational Condition
- 55.3 AC Characteristics
- 55.4 A/D Converter Characteristics
- 55.5 Code Flash Characteristics
- 55.6 Data Flash Characteristics
- 55.7 Temperature Sensor Characteristics
- 55.8 Thermal Characteristics
- 55.9 BSCAN Timing
# Section 90 Long-Term System Counter (LTSC)
90.2.1 Functional overview
- 1×64-bit counter
- Free-run up counting
- Atomic read/write access to all registers
- No compare functions
- Clock sources: Peripheral Clock PCLK
- No interrupt functions
- No functions to start/stop multiple counter channels synchronously (Only 1channel)
- Anytime read access to counter registers
- Application reset (SW reset) can be masked. When masked, counter keeps running on reset occurrence and counter register will not be initialized.
- Stop control by Supervisor
The counter register can be read at any time.
# 缘落
像那些具体的功能呢用到的时候再去快速的翻到对应的位置。这里就不展开了。毕竟官方手册都 6000 多页啦😫